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The Importance of Water

Water the Essence of Life

Water is the probably the 2nd mowaterst important necessity for life (the first being oxygen). We can’t survive without water for 3 days! Why is this? Well water is the ultimate solvent. It breaks down nutrients, lubricates our tissues, and distributes water soluble vitamins such as vitamins B and C.

If you’re an avid soda drinker like I used to be you may want to reconsider. You may not want to end up with the 6 cavities I did. Not only are your teeth and bones cursing you for drinking that soda, your body will crashing after the caffeine and sugar rush wears off. I used to find myself drinking soda for the sole purpose of just having something to drink. I would then end up running to the bathroom every 10 minutes (a side effect of caffeine) and then feeling miserable within an hour.

I also used to hate the taste or lack of taste of water. As I made my transition, however, I noticed the taste and feel of water was growing on me. It all comes down to what you make a habit. If you make drinking water a habit instead of drinking soda, you will be saving yourself some complications that would come later down the road.

Skateboarding instead of exercising

It was pretty much the only form of exercise that I got for quite a few years. It was pretty good too. Since I live in a warm place I got to skate with my shirt off lots.
Think about it, great exercise program that is way fun and lets you take your shirt off in public. Great.
I’ll tell you what I enjoyed about it too. I could go and exercise (skate) anytime that I wanted to. That was really the big thing for me. It was so easy. I probably spent more time at the skate park than anywhere else.
It was pretty cool to be able to go skate and still have tons of fun even after all of my skating buddies moved away and joined the army or whatever it was that they did. I just kept skating by myself.
One thing that did though was it made me more of a recreational skateboarder and not such a progressive skater. I didn’t really get better as fast or open up any new big areas in my skateboarding. If you are skating with friends then you kind of take turns skating and then watching everyone else go while you encourage them and cheer them on. After I spent tons of time skating by myself I realized that other people at the skatepark spent lots of time socializing and watching other people skate while I was pretty much going non-stop and only resting when I physically had to. I think I started to lose some speed after a while but I was glad that I didn’t have to have other people coaching me just to have fun skateboarding.
As a form of exercise it was mostly a mix of cardiovascular conditioning, HIIT, and agility and speed training. Probably balancing too.

Top 3 vegetables

VegetablesOne of the best ways to keep yourself motivated to be healthy is to be well informed of what is healthy and why. The more informed you are on these things, the easier it will be to make healthier choices. We’re going to explain the top 10 vegetables.

#1. Broccoli: Probably the most well known health food in the world. Broccoli is not only extremely healthy, but it is very common and accessible, and even tasty. The main reasons Broccoli is healthy is because it has very high vitamin C, Vitamin E, Protein, Thiamin, Riboflavin, and more. All of which do good things for you.

#2. Peas: Another well known and common health food. Peas from the can are much less nutritious and delicious than peas from the stem. There’s nothing like breaking peas right out of their pod, and eating them raw and fresh. While you’re at it, you may as well eat the pod as well, it has much nutrition of it’s own. It is high in Vitamin A, Niacin, B6, and Folate.

#3. Beans:There are many kinds of beans, practically all of which are very healthy. Kidney beans especially. Beans such as green beans are good as well, and well liked, but dry beans are where the real nutrition is at. Kidney and other similar beans are very high in Iron, Fiber, Manganese, and Phosphorous.

Just knowing these three things should help you seek to include these more in your diet. Good luck with this.

Healthy Heart

Healthy HeartOne of the best lifestyle changes you could do would be to improve your heart’s safety. Cardiovascular disease is the #1 reason for heart disease in the US. The three main causes of Cardiovascular disease are:

#1 Lack of exercise
#2 Poor Nutrition and Diet
#3 Smoking and drugs

If you get plenty of exercise, keep a good diet, and don’t smoke or take drugs, your chances of getting heart disease are lowered considerably compared to the majority of the public. Unfortunately it’s difficult for the majority to follow these three things.

If you have any heart disease history in your family, you’re at an even higher risk. This should be a motivating factor for people to exercise, eat well, and stay away from drugs. Just because you may have had heart problems in your family doesn’t mean you’re doomed to get heart attacks. The odds are significantly lowered if you just do these 3 things we listed. If you are older, and you ever feel any sort of heart pains it would be very foolish not to have it checked out immediately. Some symptoms start out small, and could be fixed easily at first. But if you let them be for a long time they can become very serious, and much harder to fix.

Life is precious, but also fragile. The most important organ in our body is our heart, and we should treat it with as much care as possible. You should do everything you can to follow these basic ways to keep your heart healthy. Good luck.

(Physical activity is essential to heart health. Having a treadmill in your home is an excellent way to keep yourself active. Find reviews and discounts on name brand treadmills at Treadmill Reviews)

What’s Your Problem?

DreamsWe’ve all got plenty of problems in our lives. It’s easy to come up with a list of excuses as to why this, or why that..Why we’re not in shape, why we don’t exercise, why we don’t eat right, etc..It seems a main part of life is learning to solve problems. The inspirational quotes about this are endless…

“When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” “Whether you think you can, or can’t, either way you’re right.” “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.” “If the wind will not serve, take to the oars.” “You cannot plough a field by turning it over in your mind.” “It is never too late to be what you might have been.” “The world makes way for the man who knows where he is going.” “Don’t be pushed by your problems; be led by your dreams.”

Okay, okay, are you inspired? I hope so. One of the best lifestyle changes you can do for yourself is to figure out some real dreams you have. Fitness dreams, Financial Dreams, Romance Dreams, Accomplishment dreams, and the like. If you can figure find out some of your real dreams, and start working toward them your life immediately takes on new meaning. As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “the world makes a way for the man who knows where he is going.”

As anyone pursues their dreams they inevitably run into problems and obstacles. It’s how we react to these problems that determines if we can reach our dream. When you run into something that hinders you from progressing toward your dreams, don’t just stop. Write the problem down as clearly and specifically as possible, and then brainstorm as many ways to solve it as possible. Then start trying..This process is necessary to realizing our dreams.

Now get out there and get into shape. Good luck!

(Freemotion Treadmills, Ellipticals, and Striders: Coupons and Discounts at Freemotion Coupons)

Beds for Exercise equipment?

Exercise on BedPeople come up with a lot of excuses for not exercising at home. One very common excuse people say is that they don’t have any exercise equipment. Well, they are mistaken. There is one piece of exercise equipment that everybody has. That is a Bed. That’s right, beds can be excellent for getting exercise. Don’t worry, I’m not implying anything risque’, but rather that a bed can be used as a prop for many exercise routines. Whether they be Brown leather beds, water beds, soft plushy air beds, or anything else, you can do these exercises.

Dips. You can use your bed to do dips. Pull up a chair with height of the seat about level with the bed, and sit on the bed and prop your feet on the chair. Then with your hands on the edge of the bed, move your bum off the edge, and lower and raise yourself with your arms. These are dips. The sinking in of the bed, actually makes the dips require more effort which builds better muscles.

Inclined Pushups. You can use your bed to do incline pushups. This is very simple. Put your feet up on the bed, and face stomach down, and put your hands on the ground. Keeping your body straight you will be in an inclined position. Once positioned, start doing pushups. The extra incline will help build your shoulders and triceps better than regular pushups.

Reverse Situps. The bed is an excellent place to do reverse situps. Simply lye at the edge of the bed on your stomach with your torso hanging halfway off. Then pull your chest and head up as high as you can without using your arms or legs, then lower yourself down and go up again. Do this repeatedly to help build your lower back muscles very well.

These exercises are great because you don’t even have to get out of bed to do them, and they build some of the most important important muscles in your body. Doing these exercises will help you appreciate your bed even more. Good luck with them.

(A nice addition to a bedroom is a good treadmill for exercise. Find name brand treadmills on discount at Proform Coupons)

Daily Smoothie – Easiest Life-Changer Ever

Would you like to know one of easiest life changing things you can do? Make yourself a smoothie each morning. Smoothies can act as a super meal, giving us loads of nutrients that our body can utilize. When do we ever sit down and eat 2 bananas, 5 strawberries, a cup of blueberries, a cup of pineapple slices, a mango, and a cantaloupe? Likely nobody does that very often. But if we did, we would benefit from it a lot. An alternative that works just as well is to blend it all into a smoothie. That is something we can handle. Not only is it very good for you, but it’s delicious. Who could turn down an ice cold fruit smootie?

Smoothies are great because it’s easy to blend anything in it that you want. You can find powdered supplements anywhere that you could easily throw into a smoothie. Or you could put in protein powder if you’re trying to build muscle. Each fruit has different benefits for us, so it would be great to mix it up, but there’s nothing more to making a smoothie than throwing a variety of fruits in a blender, some ice, and some milk and yogurt if you’d like. It takes about 2 minutes to make one and if we have one every morning, we will feel more energy throughout the day, and our body would be happy.

It doesn’t have to be only fruit either. It’s easy to throw vegetables in as well. Carrots, spinach, broccoli, beats, and other vegetables are great for blending. These will add even more nutrition to your shakes. Start making yourself a super shake each morning, and see the difference it makes in your day. You will love it.

(on a side note: we have treadmill coupons and discounts at Treadmill Review)

Physically Demanding Hobbies, We All Need Them.

HobbiesWe all have hobbies and talents. These are great to have. Life would get boring without them. A secret to staying healthy is to have some sort of passion or hobby that requires physical exercise. Drawing, knitting, sculpting, programming and such are great to hobbies to have, and are great for our minds. However, it is very beneficial to our overall health if we have some sort of hobby that will help us get into shape.

This can be anything from hiking, to jogging, to tennis, to skateboarding, to swimming, to anything that requires a lot of physical demand. When you have a hobby like this it pulls you out of your home, and into a setting where you will receive a lot of physical exercise.

If you don’t have any sort of physically demanding passions, try out a few things, and try to really get into one. Join along in something that some of your friends do. If you’re not good, that’s perfect. It will force you to practice more so that you can get better at whatever it is. It’s best if you can choose something that you will be able to see your progress in. Being able to see your progress is a great motivator to pushing yourself harder. If you have a hobby like this, you won’t even need to set apart a time for exercise because you’ll get it in your hobby, and you’ll enjoy it.

Try to figure out what your best physical hobby is, and if you discover you don’t have one, try some things until you find one, and make it a passion. Everyone needs one of some kind or another. Good luck!

(find coupons and reviews on name brand treadmills at Treadmill Coupons)

Breathing Correctly will Change Your Life

breatheHave you ever counted the amount of times you breathe in a minute, a day, or year? I’m going to guess most likely not. I’ve never counted it either, but, as we know, it’s a lot!

Breathing is how we provide carbon dioxide to our blood. Our lungs fill up with oxygen and convert it to usable carbon dioxide, and our heart pumps the blood throughout our body. If we have lack carbon dioxide in our blood, it can cause problems.

The way we breathe effects our mood, mind, and performance. Because of this, there are many breathing techniques that have been developed by experts. There are many arts of breathing such as Yoga and TaiChi that focus on the harmony of our body movement and our breathing. These breathing techniques are associated with out brain and our hormones, and can directly affect not only our health, but our attitudes and feelings.

The term ‘take a deep breath’ which means to calm down comes by a common recognition that deep breathing helps relieve our minds, and can really help us to calm down. Breathing quickly can help speed up our heart rate, and get our blood pumping and get our bodies excited. It is a great habit to get into to try to be aware of your breathing. When we get upset or nervous, our breathing becomes harder and quicker. If we calm down our breathing, it will help to calm down our mood. When we are tired, our breathing is slow and deep. If we speed up our breathing it will help our our body wake up.

Try different breathing techniques that work for you, and try to be aware of them throughout your day. Good Luck.

(get reviews and coupons on treadmills from the best brands at Treadmill Comparison)

Weight Watchers – Best Popular Diet

Weight WatchersWeight Watchers is currently one of the most popular diet plans in the fitness world. It is one of the most followed and most effective plans for ordinary individuals everywhere. It’s a system where every type of food has a point system assigned to it. The goal of the program is to help you get more nutrition from less food.

The program started over 40 years ago by Jean Nidetch. It has evolved a lot since then, but still the same principles are used. It used to be a small community club that would meet together often to track eachother and help each other out. Now, although that is still available, the program is mostly done online.

If you want to try it out, it’s easy to go to the weight watchers website and set up an account and get started. If you want to lose weight, and get more nutrition in your diet this will be a great help to you. Yet, still if you seem to lack the motivation to keep up with it, you can go to the meetings. On the website you can find meetings near you to join. They really help people stay motivated by providing inspiration and success stories, and helping you be accountable for what you eat.

Millions have benefited from this great diet plan. It’s been termed as “The best Diet Plan”. It could help you out just as much. Check it out.

(Check out reviews and coupons on popular treadmills: Treadmill Review)