Category Archives: Living and Wellness

Daily living related topics, ranging from beautification to finding peace in life.

Healthy Heart

Healthy HeartOne of the best lifestyle changes you could do would be to improve your heart’s safety. Cardiovascular disease is the #1 reason for heart disease in the US. The three main causes of Cardiovascular disease are:

#1 Lack of exercise
#2 Poor Nutrition and Diet
#3 Smoking and drugs

If you get plenty of exercise, keep a good diet, and don’t smoke or take drugs, your chances of getting heart disease are lowered considerably compared to the majority of the public. Unfortunately it’s difficult for the majority to follow these three things.

If you have any heart disease history in your family, you’re at an even higher risk. This should be a motivating factor for people to exercise, eat well, and stay away from drugs. Just because you may have had heart problems in your family doesn’t mean you’re doomed to get heart attacks. The odds are significantly lowered if you just do these 3 things we listed. If you are older, and you ever feel any sort of heart pains it would be very foolish not to have it checked out immediately. Some symptoms start out small, and could be fixed easily at first. But if you let them be for a long time they can become very serious, and much harder to fix.

Life is precious, but also fragile. The most important organ in our body is our heart, and we should treat it with as much care as possible. You should do everything you can to follow these basic ways to keep your heart healthy. Good luck.

(Physical activity is essential to heart health. Having a treadmill in your home is an excellent way to keep yourself active. Find reviews and discounts on name brand treadmills at Treadmill Reviews)

What’s Your Problem?

DreamsWe’ve all got plenty of problems in our lives. It’s easy to come up with a list of excuses as to why this, or why that..Why we’re not in shape, why we don’t exercise, why we don’t eat right, etc..It seems a main part of life is learning to solve problems. The inspirational quotes about this are endless…

“When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” “Whether you think you can, or can’t, either way you’re right.” “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.” “If the wind will not serve, take to the oars.” “You cannot plough a field by turning it over in your mind.” “It is never too late to be what you might have been.” “The world makes way for the man who knows where he is going.” “Don’t be pushed by your problems; be led by your dreams.”

Okay, okay, are you inspired? I hope so. One of the best lifestyle changes you can do for yourself is to figure out some real dreams you have. Fitness dreams, Financial Dreams, Romance Dreams, Accomplishment dreams, and the like. If you can figure find out some of your real dreams, and start working toward them your life immediately takes on new meaning. As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “the world makes a way for the man who knows where he is going.”

As anyone pursues their dreams they inevitably run into problems and obstacles. It’s how we react to these problems that determines if we can reach our dream. When you run into something that hinders you from progressing toward your dreams, don’t just stop. Write the problem down as clearly and specifically as possible, and then brainstorm as many ways to solve it as possible. Then start trying..This process is necessary to realizing our dreams.

Now get out there and get into shape. Good luck!

(Freemotion Treadmills, Ellipticals, and Striders: Coupons and Discounts at Freemotion Coupons)

Breathing Correctly will Change Your Life

breatheHave you ever counted the amount of times you breathe in a minute, a day, or year? I’m going to guess most likely not. I’ve never counted it either, but, as we know, it’s a lot!

Breathing is how we provide carbon dioxide to our blood. Our lungs fill up with oxygen and convert it to usable carbon dioxide, and our heart pumps the blood throughout our body. If we have lack carbon dioxide in our blood, it can cause problems.

The way we breathe effects our mood, mind, and performance. Because of this, there are many breathing techniques that have been developed by experts. There are many arts of breathing such as Yoga and TaiChi that focus on the harmony of our body movement and our breathing. These breathing techniques are associated with out brain and our hormones, and can directly affect not only our health, but our attitudes and feelings.

The term ‘take a deep breath’ which means to calm down comes by a common recognition that deep breathing helps relieve our minds, and can really help us to calm down. Breathing quickly can help speed up our heart rate, and get our blood pumping and get our bodies excited. It is a great habit to get into to try to be aware of your breathing. When we get upset or nervous, our breathing becomes harder and quicker. If we calm down our breathing, it will help to calm down our mood. When we are tired, our breathing is slow and deep. If we speed up our breathing it will help our our body wake up.

Try different breathing techniques that work for you, and try to be aware of them throughout your day. Good Luck.

(get reviews and coupons on treadmills from the best brands at Treadmill Comparison)

Benefits of Sunlight

In health media we seem to hear about the sun as an enemy. all they talk about is how it gives us skin cancer and makes our faces wrinkle up. Although it can do these things somewhat, they leave out all the necessary benefits that we get from the sun. We would be very unwise to always stay out of the sun, losing all of the benefits that we receive from it.

It is not good overdo the amount of sunlight we receive, but we should not be afraid to get an ample amount each day. It is one of the best curing agents the planet has to offer for many physical and emotional conditions, and gives us a long list of benefits that I will explain here.

First of all, it helps our skin glow. When in the sun, our skin produces Melanin, which makes our skin turn brown and helps protect us from UV rays. In the long run, you skin builds up a natural resistance to the Sun’s UV rays.

A less commonly known benefit of the sun is that it actually helps us lose weight, or keep it off by improving our metabolism and digestion. It also boosts the Endorphins and Seratonin our body creates and calms down our nerves, helping us to relax, feel peaceful, and have a greater sense of happiness throughout the day.

The Sun’s UV rays are great for killing the things we don’t want, including bacteria, fungi, yeast, viruses, molds, and more, which helps prevent us from getting a number of different diseases or problems. The sun also helps prevent and minimize acne, rashes, boils and other skin problems.

It helps to enhance our immune systems, by increasing our white blood cells so they can destroy germs and diseases better. It helps us to produce more red blood cells and increases the oxygen in our blood which can help with a number of issues. It helps us sleep better at night and slow down the aging process. It helps us our hormones balance out. It helps our liver do its job which will reduce our risk of cancer and other diseases. It helps lower our Cholestrol.

One of the main benefits we receive from the sun is the amount of Vitamin D it gives us. Vitamin D is basically only found from the sun, and gives us a host of benefits. This extra Vitamin D that we receive from sunlight can help to reduce the risk of cancer, heart problems, diabetes, Alzheimers, Osteoporosis, and more.

Although too much sunlight, may harm have potential to harm us, it is not a good idea to hide from the sun. The benefits we receive from it far outweigh the risk of harm from it.

So, get out there in the sun each day and enjoy the healthy life you’ll have from it. Just don’t overdo it and try not to get too sunburned. Good Luck!

(buy quality treadmills at reduced prices here at Nordictrack Coupons)

Sleep Pattern For Life

Humans are amazing creatures. Our bodies are the most incredible machines in the universe. We can do practically anything when we join together our mental and physical capabilities. We heal ourselves, we think for ourselves, we turn food into usable energy, we procreate, we’re pretty cool. With a little food and water, we can be completely self-sustaining for over a hundred years. It’s amazing.

However, other than food, water, and air, there is one more thing that we need in order to keep performing at top notch. That is SLEEP. We can only keep doing amazing things if we give ourselves rest. Scientists still can’t fully explain why exactly we need to sleep, but everybody who’s lived knows how much we need it.

In our society today, sleep is not stressed as a priority. It takes a back seat on our long to-do lists. Our general attitude seems to be, make sure to get everything else done first, and then if there is time, get some sleep.

If we neglect to get adequate amounts of sleep we are hindering our mental, physical, and emotional capacities. Our brain won’t function as quick or as clearly as it could, or bodies will be slower and less energetic, and we will be less enthusiastic about the things we do. We will have a harder time learning new things, coming up with new ideas, and storing information. When we are sleep deprived, our overall performance suffers more than we may realize.

A prolonged period of time of being sleep deprived will have a big impact on our mental and emotional growth. If we miss out on sleep once in a while, it won’t have much effect on us, but if we are in a habit of not getting sufficient sleep, it will be a big hindrance on our mental growth.

In order to prevent this, we need to develop a sleeping patter. Or, in other words, a bed time and a wake-up time. When we get into a habit like this, our body becomes accustomed to it, and easily follows its pattern. As soon as we slip into bed, our body knows it’s time to sleep, and as soon as it’s time to wake-up, our body knows it’s time to get up.

A sleeping pattern makes a big difference in our overall performance throughout the day. An ideal amount of sleep is between 7 – 9 hours. Aim for that each night and you fill find a new sense of energy, well-being, and clarity of mind.

Go for it! thanks for reading.

(Don’t forget to check out the treadmill discounts today at NordicTrack Coupons)

Discovering the Great Outdoors

One of the healthiest exercises for your mind and body is hiking. I don’t know anyone who doesn’t enjoy a good hike. There’s something about being up high on a mountain or out in nature that seems to make our problems melt away. Hiking is not only good for relieving stress, but it’s very healthy for our bodies.

Chances are wherever you’re at, you can hop on the internet and do a Google search for hikes in your area, and you’ll find more than enough to keep you busy. Hiking is one of the most common hobbies in the world, and you’ll find that nearly every nook and cranny of this planet has been hiked and recorded, so use your resources and find some good hikes to explore.

Plan carefully. While it’s fun to be spontaneous, and take off to be one with nature in a moment’s notice, it isn’t very wise. There are many things that can happen on a hike, sometimes with serious consequences if we aren’t prepared.

Make sure the trail is clearly visible, and don’t go too far off it. If you can’t see the trail it’s very easy to get lost. This can be very dangerous, so avoid it at all costs by only going on hikes with clear trails, or taking a guide. Exploring can be fun, as long as you’re being safe.

Take others with you. If you’re by yourself, and you get hurt or stuck, nobody will be able to help you. Many hiking tragedies could have been prevented if people had not gone alone. Sometimes you may want to go alone. If you really want to go hiking alone, make sure that you tell people exactly where you’re going and when you plan to be back. That way people will know where you are if anything were to happen. Keep a cell phone with you, but don’t depend on it. All too often, people depend on their cell phones, only to find them to be out of service and useless on hikes.

Bring water, food, and the right clothing. Some hikes are much longer than others. Its important that you plan for the length of the hike, and the intensity of it. Wear proper hiking shoes and clothes, and make sure to always bring some form of first aid kit. Hikes are much more enjoyable when you’ve prepared properly.

Once you’re out there, relax! Don’t worry about hurrying through as fast as you can. Take time to enjoy the scenery, the plants, the animals, and the fresh air. Take time to rest when you need to. Make it as relaxing and enjoyable as you can.

Good luck with it. Feel free to tell us about any hikes you’ve gone on recently.

Welcome to our new blog!

Welcome to Healthy Lifestyle Changes! You’re here because you are interested in making changes in your life so that you can be healthier. That’s a great thing! The first step to making any kind of change in your life is having motivation. If you don’t feel like doing it, you never will. So congratulations for caring enough to come here and learn how.

This blog is going to be dedicated to helping you achieve one thing- making lifestyle adjustments that will benefit your overall health. There are so many things you can do it is pretty crazy to think about. There are little things like simply parking farther away from the store. There are big things like changing the types of food you eat. We are going to cover them all.

Getting in shape and being healthy is not hard. It is not time consuming. It is all in your lifestyle. If you do not have a healthy lifestyle, then you do not enjoy great health. Follow our tips and learn how to change your life to be as healthy as you can be. Stay tuned for regular posts to begin soon!